Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Immunizations (or, shots)

Retail pharmacies are already providing annual flu shots.  There is no shortage, so no need to hurry.  Getting a flu shot before late November can help to prevent getting the flu, or giving it to others.

Many retailers also offer pneumonia immunizations.  These are covered once in your life under MediCare and prevent the one kind of bacterial pneumonia that is the most common single kind and also the most deadly.  It doesn't keep you from getting colds or every possible kind of pneumonia, but it does protect you against the worst one!

Shingles shots are also once in your lifetime and covered by MediCare.  Shingles comes about from having had chicken pox as a child.  I think ads on TV make shingles out to far more severe than it is for most folks, but on the other hand it's not something you'd like to get if you could avoid it.  If you've never had chicken pox, then you should definitely get the shingles shot since it will act as immunization against getting chicken pox as an adult, which is a very serious and unpleasant problem.

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